Tag Archives: Cleaning

Time to Shower

20 Apr

It’s Friday! Yay?!

Happy Friday!!!!
Yes, I am really this happy!

As a stay-at-home-mom Fridays aren’t quite as exciting as they are when I was in the “working world.”  Fridays are Aaron’s day off though since Sundays are his big work day at the church.  That makes them happy days!

I know I’ve been a little absent this week from posting, but it’s been for good reason.  We have made some good progress on the cleaning and organization at the house, and my little Micah man had his first ear infection early in the week so I got some extra cuddling time.

Now he is on the mend (YAY) and boxes are practically emptying themselves (not so much), so I thought I’d take a short break to share my excitement about this Sunday.

It’s shower time!  Baby shower that is.  The church is hosting our baby shower this Sunday with a light lunch right after service and I am tickled by all the trouble certain ladies are going to!  Even some guys are pitching in and bringing yummy goodness like homemade guacamole.  Yes please!  I will feel no guilt as I shovel the green goodness in my mouth chip by chip (spoon if necessary) since I had my 33 wk Dr. visit and I have still only gained a total of 7 lbs.  I am very proud of that, so a day to splurge at the shower seems in order!

I know there are mixed feelings out there about whether or not there should be showers for second and subsequent babies, but there are actually some items we need and I think if people are willing to share in the joy and just celebrate the new baby, then shower away.  I tried to get a wide array of items on the registry and make sure there were plenty of $20 and under items, as well as actually registering for my adored Pampers diapers this time.  I even included a few darling outfits, though we aren’t too shabby in the clothes department even though the boys are Fall and Summer.  My mom sorted all 7 large bins of clothes we kept from Micah, and space bagged them to save room.  Thanks mom and great idea!

Since we didn’t need any really big baby items this time around (think stroller, pack-n-play, crib, etc), I did include a pricier, but stunning, diaper bag that I fell in love with after a friend posted about them on Facebook.

Here is the lil gal….

Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack Diaper Bag in Fez

You can get a closer look at all her lovely details here.  Pottery Barn Kids does the initial embroidery but you can also purchase them through Petunia Pickle Bottom or just check out all their other awesome items and designs.

Since Kasen’s middle name is Cross and we also collect crosses, I just fell head over heels for this pattern.  I also thought it was pretty without being overly feminine.  The hubs gave it the seal of daddy-carrying approval so on the registry it went!

As I said, it is pricier, $175, but well-worth all the organizing compartments and features, like zip-out changing pad.  The bags got bonus points from friend reviews that they are well-made and hold-up to the 2-3 years of daily use.  Plus, if I have to look at and carry a bag everyday for so long, I need to love it, right?!  Even if it is one of the items we have to invest in, I think it will be well worth it.

Isn’t she lovely?  What are your favorite diaper bags or baby gift items?

Well, I need to get re-focused on cleaning and organizing, so I am signing off until next week.  I will then regale you all with photos of what I know will be an amazing shower.  I might even have some sneak peeks of the nursery and some of the projects in store.  I hope you all have a fabulous and blessed weekend!


10 Tips for Spring Cleaning Family Style

14 Apr

Spring has sprung for a few weeks for sure.  The pollen count is up and the tissues are everywhere!  Must be time to clean.  Ugh.  Really, again?  It seems every magazine I have opened or passed by in the store recently is pointing out the annoying reminder to deep clean everything from our closets to our over-scheduled lives.  One thing I noticed is that most of the articles and tips are geared towards women or a woman, as in the singular, you clean by yourself lady.  Why not make it a family affair if you can?

1)      Assemble the Team– Whether husbands, wives, and/or kids, gather the team, give a pep talk, and assign tasks.  You DON’T have to do it all by yourself.  Remind your family that a clean and organized home is better for everyone.

2)      Keep Tasks Kid-Sized– It isn’t reasonable or realistic to expect a toddler to scrub all the windows, or even for your tween to terminate all the dust bunnies by their self.  Creating small zones and setting time limits is a great way to keep older kids on task without overwhelming them.  Include younger kids and help them feel useful by keeping their capabilities in mind and putting their likes and strengths to good use.  Have a speedy, non-stop preschooler?  Give them a rag spritzed with a safe cleaner, and then tell them you will time them to see how well and quickly they can clean the windowsills.  Have a kiddo that loves to organize?  Have them check the pantry and cabinets for past-date food items.

3)      Set Goals & Rewards– If stickers make your little one happy, keep some handy to pass out as each task is completed.  Entice your crew with the reward of a trip for ice-cream or some other sweet treat if they tackle their tasks.  Or, get a roll of tickets and assign a number to each task, say 2 tickets per clean window or 5 for a spotless bedroom.  Then decide if the tickets can be redeemed for cash, prizes, or rewards such as a later bedtime.  10 tickets?  Step right up and claim your $5 iTunes gift card!  8 tickets you say?  How about an extra 30 minutes before bed?!

4)      Treasure Hunt– Tell yourself and your kids (especially if they are young) that deep cleaning usually means uncovering lost treasures.  Make it fun and create a “Lost Treasure Chest” out of a box or even a laundry hamper and then place recovered loot in it as it is discovered.  At the end, gather together to count and divvy up the spoils, sharing a few laughs at just how many pairs of socks had been MIA.  You might just unearth a few gold doubloons as well! Continue reading

My So-Called Unorganized Life

10 Apr

Thursday I will be 8 months pregnant.  I’m not sure how, but nearing the end of my second pregnancy has snuck up on me.  I think I had my hospital bag packed, nursery done, and house clean by my 6th month last time.

I blame the toddler.

Having to capture all that cuteness just keeps me occupied!

So, here I am two months to go, and soooo much to do.  We are preparing for our church’s 10 yr anniversary on May 20th as well, which includes an open house here at the parsonage.

I have to keep reminding myself that I have time, but I can’t shake that anxious feeling that Kasen could decide to make his appearance in the world early.  Did you experience this anxiety of not being prepared?  I really didn’t quite so much with Micah, or maybe that is why I had everything done so early last time.

Here is my dirty little secret..at least the disorganized part: Continue reading