Tag Archives: Bible

Word Up: Day 6: Lent Journey

28 Feb




“Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another- showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way.  Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.”


2 Timothy 3:16-17, The Message

Over the years, this passage of Scripture has really grown on me, or rather, in me; my heart.  While the passage as a whole is important and useful, I find myself focusing on the beginning and the end.

We are reminded here that Scripture, the Bible, is from God.  While it was written by man, it was not conceived nor created by man.  It is God-breathed.  God infused his very words, thoughts, and being into a gift given to His children, helping show us the truth and the way.  And it is not just portions or parts of His Word that are valuable. Every part of the Bible is useful and able to speak to us, even today.

Speak?  Is God still speaking to people today? Continue reading

Devotion: Day 3: My 40 Day Lent Journey

24 Feb

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”

Colossians 4:2, NLT

There is a reason we call spending time daily with God, devotional time.  We are supposed to be setting time aside, devoted wholly to God.  Whether we are spending that time praying, listening, crying, praising, asking, writing, reading, studying, or just being with God and His Word (Bible), we should be giving ourselves fully.  If all we have is 5 minutes to spend with God during the day, then spend that time with your mind, heart, and soul focused on God alone.

Now I know that this can be difficult for some people.  It is something we need to put into practice.  Some days will be easier than others.  God doesn’t expect us to sit down everyday in perfect harmony and a serene environment, spend an uninterrupted hour with Him and never let our mind wander.  The most important part of the previous sentence is that God wants us to spend time with Him.  Don’t get me wrong; God wants whatever time we can give Him to be focused on Him.  Devotion means giving our time, energy, attention, self entirely.

If you are just starting a devotional time with God or trying to start again (like myself), here are a few tips: Continue reading