Things I Love

16 Feb

Is it possible to have a case of the Muhndays on a Thursday?  I hope so, because I totally do.  I’d love to blame the way I feel today totally on being 24 wks preggo, but I can’t in all honesty.  I know I am still not feeling 100%, (and don’t know if I will this go round, but I hope), but today has just found me in a state of blah.

Not a fun place to be.

Part of me just wanted to crawl in bed all day.  I didn’t.  I actually got myself motivated enough to get on the elliptical.  Apparently the endorphins didn’t want to stick around.

Part of me just wanted to curl up and watch Breaking Dawn pt.1 again and again.  I settled for HGTV.  I told myself at least that way I was only committed to 30 minutes at a time.  (HA)

But this evening, the biggest part of me just wanted to cry.  Especially as I listened to my dear husband battle our darling and stubborn two-year old over bedtime.  His cries just break my heart at times. (The toddler, not the hubs..I think.)

Instead of crying I made myself look around the room, then the other room, then around the world of pinterest for things that made me smile.  I just wanted to divert the overwhelming sense of despair that seemed to be creeping up on me all day.  I want to state for the record, however, that I am in full support and actively engage in much needed and therapeutic crying sessions when needed.  Better out than in as Shrek would say.  Or is that burping?  Hmm..

Not tonight though.  I figured my husband didn’t need to walk out of one room with a crying child to encounter another.  I also felt that gentle nudging of the Spirit to look around and see the good.

This Scripture came to mind, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

So I thought on those things that surrounded me in that moment.  Very simple things and some obvious treasures that surrounded me and my life in the beautiful and the excellent.  Here is what I came up with in no particular order.

  1. My Angel Shelf: Belonged to my Mima.  A gift from my Papa to hold her angels.  It now holds my Willow Tree figures.
  2. “Oh Baby The Places You’ll Go,” a book we read nightly to the little boy we anxiously await in June. Great book!
  3. Bowl of cherries: Pretty to look at.  Better to eat. Delicious.
  4. The bulletin board I created from scrapbook paper for my writing corner. Just a fun collage.
  5. The new crib sheet Aaron brought home today that his mom had ordered.  I LOVE it!
  6. Fleece blankets.  I usually have no less than 2 floating in the living room at all times of the year.  I’m talking the cheap $5-$10 ones from Walmart or Target!
  7. Pretty handkerchiefs I picked up at a vintage shop in KY and still have yet to find a decorative home.
  8. Yes. Harry Potter.  Books. Movies. I love them all!
  9. This picture was a mish-mash of items I love. Wooden signs, my signed Jewel photo book and Lullaby CD, and the Eiffel tower I was given from my dear friend on her trip to Paris. (I WILL go one day)
  10. Our growing baby boy in his 23 wk ultrasound photo.
  11. Lindt Lindor Truffles. Yes, please
  12. Decorative crosses, especially ones that combine textures, like metal and wood.
  13. Wooden/ canvas signs with inspirational sayings, messages, etc.
  14. My wonderful boys all snuggled up
  15. Micah loving his new toddler bed and piling it with things he loves.
  16. My poetry book that my dear husband felt needed to be displayed on the shelf.
  17. Lavender roses
  18. Pretty hardback books
  19. Knowing I am not alone even when it feels that way.
  20. Having this blog to write and share a piece of my heart.

*please excuse the quality of some of the photos.  I used my iPhone for many and it is not a 4G! 

So, after compiling my list and literally laying eyes on these treasures that make my life worth loving, I didn’t feel like crying anymore.  I felt like sharing.

From my heart to yours.

What do you love that makes crying days better?


One Response to “Things I Love”

  1. Mom February 17, 2012 at 12:55 am #

    Reading that my daughter wanted to cry but found things to make her smile instead.

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